Book Presentations In Helsinki Near Me

Arkadia International Bookshop Academic Bookstore Fennica Comics Tiedekulma Sarjakuvien Erikoisliike Kulku-Katin Poika Helsinki Central Library Oodi Rakennustieto oy Messukeskus Helsinki University of Helsinki The National Library of Finland

1. Arkadia International Bookshop - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 187 reviews

Nervanderinkatu 11, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Arkadia International Bookshop: what do users think?

Em Morley: One of the most beautiful bookshops I've been in! A fantastic adventure with rooms full of literary treasurers.

annika sage: Absolutely lovely atmosphere and wide range of books. Music playing through the speaker upstairs was great, could have easily spent hours here! Everything is very well organized and labeled. I ended up buying two books and each were only 5€. Owner is lovely to talk to as well!

Álvaro Lambea Gil: Just walking around Helsinki, I found this totally unexpected bookshop. 100% recommended. It has international old editions in a very cozy place. It's worth going inside and getting lost among its different books until you find what you're looking for.

Sofia H: Lovely atmosphere! I could spend hours browsing.

William Helling: A wonderful venue with different rooms that make this bookstore an adventure in exploring for what you want and for what you may have never considered. Very friendly staff and welcoming atmosphere.

Alan Boshier: A lovely bookshop! The owner has a warm welcome for everybody, and one could easily spend hours here browsing.

Gangotri Chattopadhyay: Every city has its own character. Arkadia is one such place that gives Helsinki its character. May such places always thrive and breathe love into this city.

Mick Veld: An extremely friendly owner, a lot of books in different languages and the atmosphere is Just amazing

Felix N: . Very reasonably priced. Well-worth a visit and I will undoubtedly be back next time I'm in Helsinki. May these kinds of places never go away.

2. Academic Bookstore - Eteläinen suurpiiri



· 3524 reviews

Keskuskatu 1, Pohjoisesplanadi 39, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Academic Bookstore: what do users think?

Shu Takahashi: learned the lyrics to "Gatchaman no Uta" from Midori

A Angela: , German, Italian and French books on the ground floor. On the first floor there is a rich selection of art

戸部孝: A bookstore adjacent to STOCKMANN. It was apparently designed by Aalto, a famous Finnish architect and designer. It has three floors above ground and one floor underground, with an atrium in the middle. The cafe on the second floor is also quite stylish.

Ulvhild Eide: Great selection in books in English, Finnish and Swedish! Both children books and fantasy sci-fi young adults etc. very helpful staff.

Pekka Raninen: Thing.

Rachel Debono Lombardo: Loved it!

Jyrki R: A comprehensive art exhibition. Alvar Aalto's architecture shows references from the Vyborg library with its central recesses and skylights. Still the best place to buy physical books. Browsing books is great. The cafe is atmospheric. It feels like nothing changes here, even though the books change here very quickly. The staff is knowledgeable and helpful.

Seppo Salmio: A very good selection of Finnish and Russian wars. I bought Jukka Rislak's book on espionage.

Quynel 9492: Great selection of books in several languages. The staff is always helpful.And one can always order a specific book from here.Today I also found a Game of Thrones 3D Puzzle of the Winterfell castle and I'm having tons of fun putting it together now.

3. Fennica Comics - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 27 reviews

Hämeentie 30, 00530 Helsinki, Finland

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Fennica Comics: what do users think?

Raija Kortelainen: Hmmm I didn't get/find what I wanted.....Nothing to complain about

Neropatti: Easy to buy year after year.

Elizaveta Titerina: Very large selection of singles! I found something there that was nowhere to be found. The store itself was a bit cluttered when I was there, but the sellers figured it out quickly. They speak English.They also gave me a discount!

Risto Järvinen: The best comic shop in Stad.

4. Tiedekulma - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 552 reviews

Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Tiedekulma: what do users think?

Mats Blomberg: Kiva kirjakauppa ja loistavien keskustelujen foorumi.

Leena Juth: En ole käynyt pitkään aikaan Tiedekulmassa, joten eilinen vierailu oli uusi kokemus. Talo oli täynnä mutta löysin toki istumapaikan. Oli mukava käydä. Ikävä kyllä tarjoilu loppui. Hieno paikka.

Risto Paumo: Hyvä marjaisa aamupuuro heti klo.8.00 jälkeen ....

Turitsa: New and modern premises

Natalia Vidal: Good place to study or chat with your friends

Stanny J D: Best for 30+ crowd

5. Sarjakuvien Erikoisliike Kulku-Katin Poika - Harju

· 51 reviews

Läntinen Brahenkatu 12, 00510 Helsinki, Finland

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Sarjakuvien Erikoisliike Kulku-Katin Poika: what do users think?

Jan Salmi: Loistava paikka löytää harvinaisia ​​suomalaisia ​​sarjakuvia, hyvät hinnat ja laaja valikoima

Yohannes: Erinomainen liike.

Black Dahlia: Siisti sarjakuvakauppa. Pääasiassa suomeksi.

Outi Blomqvist: Hyvä palvelu ja löytyy upeita lahjaideoita, sekä muistoa lapsuudesta

timo irri: Tykkään katsella käytetty sarjakuva lehti

Johannes: Erinomainen sarjakuvaliine Helsingissä

Markus Kullberg: One of the best comic shops in Helsinki. Mainly in Finnish. One of the best comic book stores in Helsinki. Mostly in Finnish. No changes except that now there are some English-language Marvel magazines. No changes except now there are some marvel comics in English. Still the best. Still the best one. And the owner is great. And the owner is great. No changes. No changes.

pirjo laitala: Expert and good service and a comprehensive selection.👍

Olli Kivikero: Cartoon antiquarian nobility 🤗

Esa Juhani Rintamäki: I found something that I didn't even know existed. Manga lovers, this is the real Mecca for you!

Aaron Rantala: Absolutely huge cartoon heaven - I recommend it

Ville Oikarinen: Great selection, friendly staff

6. Helsinki Central Library Oodi - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 1536 reviews

Töölönlahdenkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Helsinki Central Library Oodi: what do users think?

Anindita Deo: This is how a public space ought to be, kudos to Finland for getting it absolutely right ❤️Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Ramina Guliyeva: It is a beautiful library, very comfortable. It has 3 floors, on the last floor you can directly choose books in several languages - Finnish, Swedish, German, English. There is also a small selection of books in other languages as well. On the first floor there is access to printing, there is also a sewing machine, games machines and so on.

Isaac Martinez: Honestly, the best library that human beings have been able to visit! The definition of professionalism, a wide variety of electronic devices, a console and computer game room, 3D printers, an arcade room, free 5G Wi-Fi, and best of all, FREE admission!The very large library, with popular books from all periods, with silence rooms, study rooms, etc... Your visit is highly recommended. As a result, it includes a games room for the little ones and a chess room to guarantee laughter with the family, and finally a map and a cafeteria next to the entrance.

Nandita R: Helsinki is better with Oodi

Neville Hallott: Visited on Weekday

Micke S: What a nice place of culture. Not just books but creativity and beautyVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait …

Tobias Johansson: Wait time No wait

Kent Larsson: What a very nice building no matter how big. Very interesting.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Sofia Kon: Wonderful inspiring place to relax, learn, socialize, be creative, broaden horizons and feel completely at home! I wish we could have such a place in Greece and admire the Finnish for their ideals of equity, appreciation to diversity, respect to all citizens and culture.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

林律平: Very innovative design, definitely want to visit!Free admission, with terrace, reading area, dining area, electric area and presentation areaThere is also a 3D printer

Marta IA: It is worth walking through this library to die of envy. It is great for people of all ages, even just to walk or have a coffee on the spectacular terrace.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Sven Göttsche: Crazy, what a blast. I Wish we would have such an Open Center of creativity in Germany, Open space, great Things to do, modern space, great for Young people. WowVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Tapio Rauvala: A stylish and spacious living room open to all and free of charge. Today I received very friendly service when the book I ordered was not found; it was rebooked so I'm first in line!

Jenni Kayss: The building itself is architecturally very interesting. You can not only borrow books and magazines here, but also musical instruments, for example. There's a relaxed cafe with an outdoor terrace. Definitely worth a visit.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Peter Juhas: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait

Halina: Beautiful building. Good selection of books in different languages.

7. Rakennustieto oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 4 reviews

Malminkatu 16, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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8. Messukeskus Helsinki - Itä-Pasila

· 8539 reviews

Messuaukio 1, 00520 Helsinki, Finland

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9. University of Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 148 reviews

Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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University of Helsinki: what do users think?

Viveka Vidrigsson: Wow

Veselin Penev: It's beautiful, worth seeing.

Howard Felix: Thank you for all the fish!

John Goh: and sciences such as Medicine. Easily accessible by Train and trams!

Valdemar Forsman: Better than Hanken

sakura: Around September 4th, 2023I was standing in the square in front of the Helsinki Cathedral, with the cathedral in front of me and the University of Helsinki on my left❗️It was a very nice university building with a cream-colored soft exterior wall! ️

10. The National Library of Finland - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 128 reviews

Unioninkatu 36, 00170 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
The National Library of Finland: what do users think?

Roman Pieron: 上次造訪時間 平日 等待時間 不需等候 建議預訂 否

Tuija Heino-McRobert: 建築內外都很漂亮!書夠多了!上次造訪時間 平日 等待時間 不需等候 建議預訂 否 …

Daniel Babo: 免費進入這個感覺像是一個神奇的地方。值得一遊並在那裡停留一段時間欣賞它。上次造訪時間 平日 等待時間 不需等候 …

ilaria vichi: 上次造訪時間 平日 等待時間 不需等候

8: 很棒的停下來的地方!

Pactli Alexis Cabanétos Renaud: 美麗而歷史的建築,免費入場上次造訪時間 平日 等待時間 不需等候 建議預訂 否 …

DV Lin: 芬蘭國家圖書館Kansalliskirjasto這是芬蘭的一個免費景點,進來要保持安靜,不能帶大型背包,旁邊有貼心免費的置物櫃,如果有來芬蘭的話建議可以來這邊看看~隨便拍照都好看#芬蘭國家圖書館#Kansalliskirjasto#芬蘭🇫🇮#赫爾辛基#圖書館#東歐遊#第13天

Dim Sie: 免費入場,附置物櫃和衣架。購買明信片的最佳地點(1 歐元 5 張)美麗的建築和風景。安靜、平靜的地方,可以坐下來放鬆。

yuji seki: The library is said to have been completed in 1840, but it is built like a palace and is quite impressive. It is located on the west side of the cathedral, but the entrance is unassuming. Personally, I think it's a must-see. I checked with the staff and found out that flash photography is prohibited, but you can take pictures.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Salim Ece: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No

Aidan: Very spacious and classy interior design. Even the bathroom is magnificent. Free entry.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Alexandra F.: Der Besuch der Bibliothek lohnt sich auf jeden Fall. Der Eintritt ist kostenlos, man muss am Eingang aber Taschen und Jacken abgeben. Schon der erste Raum der Bibliothek ist sehr schön und man muss auch unbedingt auf die schöne Decke in der Halle achten. In der zweiten Halle sind dann die Bücher für die Öffentlichkeit die man sich ausleihen kann.

Filip Radonjić: A beautiful library close to the main square. Nice place to read and rest. The arch in it was gorgeous.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Veselin Penev: It's beautiful, worth seeing.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

Aline Peña: It is a beautiful library with a wide variety of books in different languages. It's nice to spend time in the place and enjoy.Visited on Public holiday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …

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