Clinics Lymphatic Drainage Helsinki Near Me

Meridian Care Delgado Body Fysios SelkäCenter Kamppi Lux-Medicus Beauty Clinic Helsinki Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Pasila Chiromaitre Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Paciuksenkatu Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Pikku Huopalahti Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Itäkeskus Studio Eudokia - Koulutettu hieroja Hyvinvointikeskus Hoitava Hieronta Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Malmi

1. Meridian Care

· 55 reviews

Biologinkatu 8 F, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

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Meridian Care: what do users think?

Anna Hakamäki: Suosittelen lämpimästi! Chantal on taitava, lämminhenkinen, ystävällinen ja välittävä. Hoito räätälöidään tarpeen mukaan. Punavuoren hoitolan tunnelma ja sisustus ovat rentouttavia ja miellyttäviä. Sain avun akupunktiosta. Iso kiitos Chantal!

Mari: Olimme yrittäneet saada lasta 8kk ajan. Kävin toisella akupunktiohoitajalla useita kertoja ennen kuin hakeuduin Chantalin vastaanotolle. Tämä kertahoito auttoi omalta osaltaan, ja tulin raskaaksi tuosta nimenomaisesta kierrosta. Uskomaton ja epätodellinen olo! Kiitos ihana Chantal! Suosittelen lämpimästi 💚

Sanni Ss: Jos kaipaat luonnonmukaista apua johonkin vaivaan, suosittelen Meridian Carea! Sain apua polven kuntoutukseen ja liikeratojen palauttamiseen kun polvilumpio oli mennyt sijoiltaan. Akupunktio auttoi myös nyt talvella pahan flunssakierteen katkaisussa ja vastustuskyvyn vahvistamisessa.

Kati Saarenketo: Sain apua vaivaani, olo parani jo ensimmäisen käynnin jälkeen. Jatkan käyntejä edelleen

Maarit Suhonen: Asiantuntevaa, kokonaisvaltaista ja lämminhenkistä hoitoa. Sain apua ongelmiini ja suosittelen kovasti!

Susanna Sainio: Sain akupunktiosta apua vyöruusun jälkeiseen kivuliaaseen hermokipuun. Hoitojen ansiosta pääsin irti kipu- ja särkylääkkeistä. Myös unen laatu parantui merkittävästi.Chantelin ammattimainen, lämmin ja läsnäoleva suhtautuminen antoivat toivoa paranemisesta ensi käynnistä alkaen. Suosittelen lämpimästi kokemaan akupunktion parantavaa voimaa.Kiitos ihana Chantel!

Helena Sutinen: Levolliset ja rentouttavat hoitokokemukset, osaavat ja ammattitaitoiset Chantal ja Noj. Kiitokseni molemmille!

Anna Raito: Paneutuvaa ja ammattitaitoista hoitoa, rentouttava ja ihana tunnelma, suosittelen lämpimästi!

Rosa: I applied for acupuncture before starting IVF treatments. Acupuncture has been more beneficial than I could have expected. Thanks to acupuncture, my PMS symptoms and the amount of menstrual flow decreased, and the occasional headaches have disappeared.During the hormone treatments, I did not suffer from the side effects of the medication, which I believe acupuncture had an effect on. With acupuncture, the first embryo transfer already led to a positive pregnancy test result.Chantal is gentle, calm and flexible. He is interested in well-being holistically and always tailors the treatment to the needs of the moment. Chantal's hands are in good care! 💚

Mari Myllynen: I had a lot of pain and numbness problems caused by stress and my life situation, so I started going to Chantali's treatments at the end of 2021. At first, we took care of my problems, perhaps caused by stress, and then we focused on supporting my fertility due to my desire to have children. During the acupuncture sessions, I got pregnant a few times, but the pregnancies ended within the first few weeks. I believe that my body got stronger little by little with the help of acupuncture, because my third pregnancy was successful. The waiting time was uncomplicated and symptom-free, the birth went well and we had a healthy child!A warm recommendation for Chantal's acupuncture treatments! He treats each customer expertly, empathetically and thoroughly.

Marre: I highly recommend Chantal's acupuncture to everyone. The treatments have been pleasant and relaxing. In addition, Chantal is really friendly and very professional.

Johanna Lahikainen: I highly recommend.

Satu Väike: I went to Chantal's good care and got help for my problem.

Veera Haverinen: I recently had an acupuncture appointment and my experience was very positive. The visit made me relax and effectively helped relieve my back pain.I also learned more about the benefits of acupuncture, which ailments it can help with. The additional information helped me better understand how the treatment works.

Tiina Svensk: A really knowledgeable and wonderful acupuncturist!

Laura Ahola: I went to treatments approx. 5 times before infertility treatments and that infertility treatment session led to a successful pregnancy.

Jesse Kauppi: For those who need really professional and extremely friendly care. There is a solution for every problem! 😊

Jenna Inkinen: Chantal's acupuncture services have helped me enormously in just a few months, e.g. In cough treatment and hormone balance. A big recommendation for Meridian care!

2. Terapiatila Jaana Tähtinen - Hermanninmäki



· 0 reviews

Hämeentie 77, 00550 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

3. Delgado Body

· 62 reviews

Töölöntullinkatu 8, 00250 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Delgado Body: what do users think?

Marja Selle: I am very satisfied with the lymphatic massage, which I haven’t experienced before. Already after the first session, I noticed how the toxins in my body started to move. After the treatment, it’s important to drink plenty of water and take it easy rest for the rest of the day. The day after the teeatment, I recieved a message asking about my well-being. Very professional, knowledgable and skilled. Highly recommended, 5/5!

Anna Ahtola: Very good experience with lymph treatment! The place is clean and Van is really professional and nice! I was told in advance what would be done during the treatment and the treatment itself was pleasant and relaxing. The next day, the fluids started working really hard and I felt light. I have also slept well after the treatment, and the feeling has been calm and pleasant. This is a much more holistic experience than a regular massage, I definitely want to go again and recommend to everyone! 👍✨

reetta toukola: I had High Performance Lymphatic massage by Delgado Body for the first time. And I'll definately go there again. Treatment was first of all very relaxing, but made my feet feel so light afterwards also. I felt good the whole time during the treatment and it was nice that it's the standard procedure to ask the customer next day how she's doing👍🏻

Jaana Rantala: A professional nurse and a unique experience. Feeling lighter and "fresh" afterward. Clear effect on metabolism. I will definitely go again, warm recommendation.

Riina Karma: Van is a true professional in his area and his studio is elegant!

Heidi Vahtera: Very relaxing and body felt light and energetic the next days.

Heidi Kelho: I came across the service through Instagram and became interested in trying it out. The reservation was easily made via Messenger.The place was really clean and immediately made a good first impression. Ivan is very friendly, professional and I felt that he is genuinely interested in his client's needs and wishes.All in all, a really pleasant visit and treatment. And the feeling of lightness in the body, especially in the legs, after the treatment ❤️Thanks Ivan!

laura toivanen: I have now had a lymphatic massage a few times and have taken the Delgado body massage treatment. I have noticed that my legs are lighter. The whole body feels better and the stomach is flatter. Very good overall feeling after the treatment. The place is clean and Van seems very professional. I definitely recommend everyone to try it.

Johanna Nelson: Amazing lymphatic drainage massage! I’m currently taking medication that causes a lot of water retention and bloating and this helped heaps!

Heidi Hietala: I took the treatment Delgado body massage and the treatment was great!I noticed the effect right away and I haven't felt this light in my legs in a while and the training went better than in a long time.The clinic was clean and it was clearly explained what the treatment included.Warm recommendation! 🌟

Sari: Very good experience. Feeling wonderful and relaxed after the treatment.

Maria Ruokokoski: Well done massage and treatment!Felt very safe!Nice and very clean place!Definately going again!!

pollyana oliveira: I am happy with the work I received from Delgado Body, his professionalism and efficiency of his work. I wanted to thank you for the really visible result. Then the service helped me get exactly what I was looking for. I personally recommend 100%.

Karo: I found the place through instagram - as far as I know, there aren't many similar massage professionals in Finland. The lymph/cellulite massage is really different from any massage I've tried before. Immediately after the treatment, the skin and body both feel and look much better, and after several treatments it seems that the results are also permanent. I will continue to get regular massages. Van is a true professional and clearly knows what he is doing!

katja hinkkanen: After a long illness, I longed for a more comprehensive massage, and I really got it. The body has been really congested and swollen and after just one treatment I noticed that the fluids started moving and the skin became firmer.The service was really professional and the grips were careful and sure.After the treatment, I felt relaxed and light.I immediately booked a new appointment!

Siina Laine: I finally had the opportunity to experience a massage at Delego Body, and I must say, it was well worth the wait.At the consultation I chose the DB Method lymphatic drainage massage which was very effective.Van was very professional and had a comforting presence . The ambiance at Delego Body added to the overall relaxation. I highly recommend this place for an exceptional massage experience!

S C: Great experience, just what I needed. The tone and texture of skin has improved visibly, something that other massages never managed to achieve. Will be back!

4. Premium Fascia - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 0 reviews

Fredrikinkatu 61 A 16, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website

5. Fysios SelkäCenter Kamppi

· 53 reviews

Yrjönkatu 36 A, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Fysios SelkäCenter Kamppi: what do users think?

Maarit: Ihana fysioterapeutti auttoi fyysisesti ja psyykkisesti, kun vointi oli huono

Ly Läne: Suositellaan,😊

Tuula Sjöstedt: Aina takuuvarmasti hyvää hoitoa!

Hanna: Asiantuntevia neuvoja ja hyvä paikka! Suosittelen!+++++

Matias Rantakokko: Absolutely awesome!

Minna Korhonen: Absolutely wonderful and of course competent staff

Seija-Liisa Kyrönseppä: I have been a Fysios customer for a long time and am very satisfied! Especially at the moment, when my back is broken, I managed to treat my own "physsar" and I can walk again.I am extremely grateful to my friend who told me about Selkä Center! I started at Autotalo, then I continued at Postitalo, then we went to Mannerheimintie and now we are at Yrjönkatu. Everyone, including the office clerks, are absolutely great people, thank you!

Taavetti “Taavetsu” Valtamo: Nice and knowledgeable therapists!

Mika Mars: Best service ever!

Anne von Hellens: Always with professionalism and genuine care

Maria Hernandez: Fysios Selkäcenter is really the best place I've found to take care of my back issues.The staff is really friendly and welcoming and Tuomas Puotiniemi is a great professional.Kiitos Fysios Selkäcenter for hiring such a great team.

kati hakanen: I received help from Antti Lauren for many problems, professional, empathetic and good home instructions, thank you😊

6. Annamaija Konttinen psykoterapeutti - Eteläinen suurpiiri

Kalevankatu 33, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

7. Lux-Medicus Beauty Clinic Helsinki

· 61 reviews

Fredrikinkatu 64, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Lux-Medicus Beauty Clinic Helsinki: what do users think?

Карина Абликова: The staff is polite ☺️ It was very nice to receive gifts in the form of certificates with a discount on the procedure for hardware body massage and facial cleansing! Thank you ☺️ I would recommend coming there

Elena Sula: Friendly and professional staff, pleasant atmosphere, high-quality service, it's a pleasure to come back here, I recommend it.Elena

Sissi A: Very good experience

Kevi A: Lovely and competent staff. Beautiful nursing home. I warmly recommend ❤️

Mia Tran: Very good service and treatment that I am using

Tiina Luotola: Pleasant atmosphere, good customer service, beautiful treatment room.

Charina Calixtro: The place is cozy, the staff is nice and assists me really well. The professional is also kind because she adjusts the power of the laser equipment when I say it’s hot for me and I even said sorry I have low pain tolerance but she said it’s okay. They have a lot of packages to choose so I recommend trying this out! They speak English too for non-Finnish speaker like me.

Елизавета Соколова: Best clinic in Finland!

Maryam Yassir: Lovely

Marina Zarubalova: I appreciate your service and the quality of your treatments. My facial was very relaxing and I noticed a clear difference in the condition of my skin afterwards. Your cosmetologist was professional and friendly, which made the experience even more pleasant. Thank you for the excellent service!Services Acne treatments …

Kiirsi Hovainen: Dr. Kiitos Ropes!! I have the best lips!!!

Angelika A: As a regular customer for 5 years, I can recommend the salon! Excellent customer service and an excellent track record.

Kaja Rüüt: I have been a customer for a year, all I can say is that the place is clean, the service is excellent, every customer is noticed in a friendly way, all the services I have used since thenI was very satisfied, I can definitely recommend it, thank you Dr. Kordes.

Park Min park: The craftsmen know their stuff, they did everything well, with high quality, thank you very much

Larisa Selgmae: I was very pleased 😌 with this clinic. A professional cosmetologist with magical hands solved my problem, everything was very clear and conscientious, the administrator offered a good discount.

Andrei Surikov: We diagnosed the scalp under a microscope, diagnosed Psoriasis, prescribed a course of physiotherapy treatment with a UV lamp, also selected medical shampoos containing acid, explained everything. I was satisfied, it’s a pity I won’t be able to go to physical therapyServices Service not listed …

Mohammed reza Nakhkash (MRN): For PRP is ok, the clinic is clean and the doctor knows his work

8. Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Pasila

· 93 reviews

Maistraatinportti 2, 00240 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

9. Chiromaitre

· 100 reviews

Eerikinkatu 25, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Chiromaitre: what do users think?

damaris muñoz: Hello, I have taken this moment to write this review, I think it is very important to share my experience, as we all know, health is very important, I had digestive problems with allergies approximately 14 years ago, and I felt weak, my health was getting worse every year. I went to several physios, osteopaths, and more but they never gave me a solution, I came to this place and met my god, an exceptional and professional being who in the first consultation found my problem and we quickly began to work on my improvement to say that since That day my life literally changed, I just had the second consultation and I had already improved a lot although there is a lot of work left on my part. I feel very good with more spirit and above all something very important and I slept 7 hours in a row again when before I only slept 4 Without a doubt I totally recommend this doctor, he is a master of the human body and his method is unique and I can attest that it works perfectly, thank you ion for teaching me to know my body and adapt the changes to extend years of life 🙏🙏🙏

Matej Zajo Králik: I keep returning here for over a year now, and can’t express how much I recommend visiting to anyone looking to relieve pain or improve general body/muscle function.Ion is full of expertise and has a holistic approach which helps you find a permanent solution or improvement for your life.I don’t come here for a massage that will make me feel better for a few days - I come here for a comprehensive assessment, muscle/tendon/ligament relief and a personalized exercise plan that will help me for the rest of my life.

Peter Ryan: I recently visited Helsinki as a first stop on a broader trip around Europe. I booked a 90 minute massage with Ion as I often do when traveling after a long flight. While I enjoy massage, I also have had a lifetime of structural issues and have had varied success with pinpointing the source of my issues and firm solutions/actions to take to start fixing them. When I met with Ion we quickly shifted the 90 minute session away from massage and onto the structural issues where massage was just a bandaid. Having tried so many things back in the states, I figured I would explore Ion’s approach during my quick trip to Helsinki. In only 90 minutes, I left with what I view as the most comprehensive and through assessment and action plan to start fixing some systemic issues that have hindered my lifestyle as I have aged and am now in my 40’s. His straightforward, confident and personable approach made it easy for me to follow and allowed me to trust his advice. I will be working on the exercises and actions he advised while back in the states and hope to visit again during future trips back to Europe for in person follow up’s whenever possible. I’d highly recommend scheduling a session with him, even if it’s only one time. You won’t regret it!

Beata: Very wholesome approach. Can recommend! Amazing loose feeling in the body after the session. Was given a lot of home practices. Interesting to see the improvements..

Esa Tuhkanen: Comprehensively understands the customer by finding out the cause/effect of problems. Strong recommendation 👍👍👍.

Clara Blomqvist: The best massage in Finland! Ion understands the human body incredibly well and genuinely wants to help. I highly recommend.

Amir Tutenhamon: I had severe pain in my pelvic joint and back. From the first visit, I finally found out the cause of the pain, which no one could find out for a long time. Thanks to this visit, I received useful advice and, after listening to it, I was completely cured. Truly the doctor in his field whom I have been looking for for a long time.

Leo HETSKIY: Ion Boian is truly a professional in his field. He figured out all my problems from the first session and after two or three weeks I already saw the result. Ion is always in touch throughout the entire treatment. A very sociable, pleasant young man. I recommend this specialist.

The Future is now: After suffering from back pain and overall kinda every day mobility issues - I’m generally healthy and doing sports regularly. But the pain just kept coming and general fatigue because of it - I went to countless massages and chiropractors and physiotherapy you name it! After visiting Ion I immediately felt improvement and I’m keeping his tips and exercises every day - I couldn’t ask for a better personal professional help. I’m glad I came across his clinic and I will keep coming for further check ups when needed. Thank you so much for being so patient and helpful. Ion you are the best. 🏆

Tony Enlund: Ion genuinely cares about its customers and knows a lot about body-related problems. I have not met such a professional and nice guy! Strong recommendation, help for years of problems in just a couple of visits.

Matti: Ion has an exellect knowledge of human body and he's one of the best physiotherapist I have come across.

Aleksandr Sharkov: I came with a problem in my back, the pain was very strong, I left with absolutely no pain. Plus, he described what the problem is and what exercises you need to do to avoid it. Thanks a lot.

Eduard Pchelkin: 7 months of struggle with IBS are seems to over. Tens of costly analysis and visits to doctors suggesting traditional pills and supplement treatment and nothing seemed to be working along this time. Initially, I wanted to try visceral therapy, but Ion insisted to start with overall diagnostic, and as a result working on recovery of function of visceral chains first, and that helped a lot already.Knowledge provided during the sessions regards self-massage and exercises to support achieved level of organism functioning is a real treasure and definitely worth it.Ion get my highest recommendation.

Jordan Thorne: Ion is very knowledge and also very friendly and helpful. I booked for a massage for back pain, but after talking with Ion, it was obvious this was not what I needed and he helped me to identify my issues and gave me some exercises to do afterwards which have really helped too. Highly recommend!

10. Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Paciuksenkatu

· 34 reviews

Paciuksenkatu 19, 00270 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Paciuksenkatu: what do users think?

Pauli “Don Pauli” Saarnisto: Nice and knowledgeable people who know what to do to people! Even if you could get the "receptionist" to greet you and behave in a matter-of-fact way,, and not bother customers if you have to get toilet paper

janne vesala: A fine place

Jaakko Lemmetyinen: A lot of customers, but everything went well and at the agreed time.

Maarit Ruuskanen: Really skilled staff and friendly service.

Jirka Vainio: Good

David Reinoso: Excellent service and friendly staff.

Pia Åberg: Aivan mahtavat fyssarit, palvelu erinomaista

Olli Pontela: Äitini on tällä hetkellä kuntoutuksessa täällä.

Matti Salmela: Hyvää terveyspalvelua taas!

jorma immonen: Ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta!

Riitta Mäkivirta: Läheisenä vierailleena vaikutti hyvältä ja plussana rauhallista ulkoilumaastoa ympärillä.

11. Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Pikku Huopalahti

· 8 reviews

Taavetti Laitisen katu 4, 00300 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

12. Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Itäkeskus

· 17 reviews

Asiakkaankatu 3 2. krs, 00930 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Studio Eudokia - Koulutettu hieroja

· 24 reviews

Torkkelinkatu 21, 00530 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Studio Eudokia - Koulutettu hieroja: what do users think?

Artifex 28: Jarno on paras hieroja koskaan.

Jonina Hentunen: Rentoja ja osaavia.

Vilma-Sofia Kumpulainen: Mahtava reikikokemus Outin kanssa jo pari vuotta sitten ja toivottavasti pian uudestaan!

Ville Väisänen: Rentouttava ja ammattitaitoinen päähieronta!

Iiro Iltanen: 5/5, ehdottomasti. Imetyksen vuoksi varattu kotikäynti oli aiheuttanut paljon niska-/hartiakipuja morsiamelleni. Kaikki kivut ovat nyt poissa hieronnan ansiosta ja nautimme todella siitä, että vierailu oli todella rento ja ammattimainen. Menemme taas, molemmat.

Juho Virtanen: Sain syntymäpäivälahjaksi lahjakortin tunnin hieronnalle, jonka lunastin Tonilla viime sunnuntaina. Olin varautunut tunnin hiljaisuuteen samalla, kun minua muljauteltaisiin mutta mitä vielä! Toni onnistui avaamaan juntturaiset niskani ja kangistuneen alaselän ilman, että ilmeeni olisi vääntynyt kertaakaan tuskasta. Päinvastoin! Ajoittain nukahtaminen oli hyvin lähellä, kun en ollut hetkeen rentoutunut yhtä hyvin. Tonin kanssa oli myös mukava jutella samalla, ja tuntui siltä kuin olisimme vanhojakin tuttuja. Todella miellyttävä kokemus ja tulen varmasti uudelleen!

Sarah Harvala: This was the best massage I've had since moving to Finland. Toni has a lot of experience and is good at listening to what a customer needs. Great technique and nice and cozy atmosphere. Thanks!

sirkka tolonen: I went today and jam left .great service

Mimosa Sukanen: Good service and competent professionals.

Terhi Repo: Toni went to the hospital to massage my father, who has cancer and is in palliative care. According to my father, the massage was excellent and made him feel a lot better. "Helped even a dying person" my father told me to put in the reviews. So I can really recommend Toni, both as a massage therapist and also as a really nice person!

Tanya Burka: Great experience passing through town and getting bodywork done with Toni twice. Super professional, highly attentive to my body's particular needs as a performance athlete and I felt great after each session. Highly recommended!

Kalle Vihma: Good location and value for money.

14. Hyvinvointikeskus Hoitava Hieronta

· 11 reviews

Retkeilijänkatu 13, 00980 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Hyvinvointikeskus Hoitava Hieronta: what do users think?

Päivi Laurila: Very professional. Super good.❤

Tarja Miettinen: The best massage place!

anna seero: Great massage master, very versatile, really professional in his field, he has really good hands!!!

Minna Engelberg: . A big recommendation for both, especially steaming in the barrel was wonderfully relaxing!

Nina Mäkelä: Unbelievable comprehensive treatment. I went in with a migraine, left without a migraine and feeling much lighter. The tension in the jaws, the neck and the headache were gone. I will definitely go again.

Alla Faari-Kammonen: Good massage..recommend to everyone..

Irina K: Thanks a lot! Really good quality massage and SPA turf treatment. A cedar barrel is something special. I warmly recommend.

Heidi Järvinen: I get help for my sciatica and neck pain.Absolutely fantastic hot stone massage

Olena Alali: Very good Massage, masseuse and in a good place. It's nice that you can order a massage online and use the easybreak card. I recommend Kay to others and myself in the future.

Tino Berg: Suosittelen kaikille.Positiivinen Laatu ja Ammattimaisuus …

15. Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Malmi

· 12 reviews

Malmin kauppatie 18, 00700 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Fysios Mehiläinen Helsinki Malmi: what do users think?

Anne Kaskikallio: Nice staff, easy to get around there even with an electric moped

Reija Tyrjä: I get friendly and very knowledgeable service.

Tapani Holm: Nice place to do business. Jumit leaves and the world gets better.

Seija Timonen: Good service and care. Get value for money. Let's say hello together

juha-pekka haaranen: Nice place to visit..

petri murtomäki: Very friendly service and good care and advice

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