Firemen In Helsinki Near Me

Erottaja Fire Station University of Helsinki Hanken School of Economics Aalto University

1. Erottaja Fire Station - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 18 reviews

Korkeavuorenkatu 26, 00130 Helsinki, Finland

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Erottaja Fire Station: what do users think?

Jonathan Caron: 很棒的消防站,我們經過的那天關閉了

anton martikainen: 一個真正宏偉的消防站

Vilho Niemi: 好的

M F: Mi incanto, ogni volta, davanti a questo edificio in mattoni rossi con la sua torre alta 42 metri: sembra uscito da un film di fine ottocento! Progettato dall'architetto Theodor Höijer questa costruzione è stata completata nel 1891. È la stazione dei vigili del fuoco più antica e tuut'ora in funzione a Helsinki. Si trova in centro ed è impossibile non incontrarla prima o poi passeggiando.

D. S.: 超漂亮的消防站

Irеna Kutina: Одна из старейших в скандинавских странах муниципальная профессиональная пожарная охрана действует с 1861 года. Здание построено по проекту Теодора Хойера в 1891 году. Само здание возведено на вершине холма и возвышается над городом на 42 м, а с башни открывается прекрасный вид на Хельсинки. Во внутреннем дворе находится музей пожарной охраны.

ノビノビタ: They kindly let me take a tour even on a sudden visit.Inside was a beautiful fire station that had just been renovated.In the past, people used to go to work by horse-drawn carriage, so it was built on the top of a hill so they could go out quickly.As expected from Finland, there was also a sauna.

Janne Laakso: Great building and great rescue unit!

Michael S. Davis: Diving Into The Unknown!!!

Jimi Korkala: Happy Helsinki Day 12.6. The staff is friendly. There were kindergarten groups, but that didn't matter. The fire museum and the tower are wonderful places, although there is no elevator and quite a few stairs to the tower. Fire Museum 2e and you can take photos. The fire museum also has an elevator and 3 floors to explore.

Ivan Samoletov: I passed by in the evening from the Church of St. John, opposite the office of the karhu.

Niko Rantanen: Nice building!

2. University of Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri



· 148 reviews

Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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University of Helsinki: what do users think?

Viveka Vidrigsson: Wow

Veselin Penev: It's beautiful, worth seeing.

Howard Felix: Thank you for all the fish!

John Goh: and sciences such as Medicine. Easily accessible by Train and trams!

Valdemar Forsman: Better than Hanken

sakura: Around September 4th, 2023I was standing in the square in front of the Helsinki Cathedral, with the cathedral in front of me and the University of Helsinki on my left❗️It was a very nice university building with a cream-colored soft exterior wall! ️

3. Hanken School of Economics - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 30 reviews

Arkadiankatu 22, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Hanken School of Economics: what do users think?

Katri Rautavirta: Paras koulu, jossa olen koskaan opiskellut

Felix JJ: Absoluuttinen Banger

Amin Maghsoudi: Hyvä pieni ympäristö, jossa on maailman paras rehtori.

Inge Tuul: Sijaitsee kaupungin keskustassa

4. Aalto University - Suur-Tapiola

· 284 reviews

02150 Espoo, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Aalto University: what do users think?

Jaewoo Lee: Good school my younger brother goes to

prakash dekate: V impressive. Bèautiful place.

ali abbasi: Yksi Euroopan parhaista yliopistoista

Armando C.: Paras!!!

Rosana Eats: Mukava paikka ja upeat tilat

Rumia_Touhou: minun alma mater

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