Best Natural Waterfalls In Helsinki Near Me

Suomenlinna Strömberg Park Vanhankaupunginkoski Sibelius Park Central Park Kaivopuisto Helsinki Cathedral Temppeliaukion Church Sibelius Monument Market Square TÀhtitorninvuoren puisto Havis Amanda The National Museum of Finland


1. Suomenlinna - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 18284 reviews

00190 Helsinki, Finland

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Suomenlinna: what do users think?
HĂ©lĂšne Marteuilh: Superbe balade Ă  faire absolument.
Tanuj Chakraborty: Suomelinna is a nice island to visit if you want to go somewhere to be in touch with nature and be in a peaceful place . The ferry takes about 10 mins from Helsinki to reach there . It is also a very nice place for picnics and for family outingsVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes 
Alessandro Guasco: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended NoMore
Tommi Ilvonen: TÀnne tulee mielellÀÀn vÀhintÀÀn kerran kesÀssÀ nauttimaan maisemista ja kulttuurista. Kannattaa lÀhteÀ pois auringonlaskun aikaan, niin saa upeat maisemat venematkalle!
Alex Pons: Increíbles vistas!!!Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait 
Janne Ruokoja: Hieno saari pÀivÀmatkailun arvoinen paikka. Mukava ja halpa laivamatka.
Jana KriĆĄtanovĂĄ: The only place in Helsinki that it's worth of spending a longer time at. If you are not into fortresses much, it can still be a nice walk or a few hours long trip somewhere when you are in Helsinki. In my case, I would be bored in the city otherwise.What was very surprising for me was that you can get to the island with the fortress using ferry and public transportation ticket, which is not expensive at all. And if you have a whole day public transportation ticket, as I had, this is no brainer.
Riikka HeinĂ€nen FIN: â™żïž mukulakivi- ja hiekkateitĂ€, runsaasti mĂ€kiĂ€. Suosittelen Loopwheels pyöriĂ€ manuaaliin tÀÀllĂ€ vieraillessa sekĂ€ avustajaa mukaan.Paikka ei ole tĂ€ysin esteetön, luonnollisesti, eikĂ€ kaikkialle pÀÀse pyörĂ€tuolilla. Kuitenkin nĂ€htĂ€vÀÀ on paljon ja moniin paikkoihin pÀÀsee avustettuna (kynnyksiĂ€, jyrkkiĂ€ luiskia). HyvĂ€t kelaajat pĂ€rjÀÀ ilman apuakin.
Miia Hellqvist: Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended NoMore
Alexey Ozerov: Da es in der Stadt eh nicht viel zu sehen ist, soll man auf dieser Inselgruppe mal spazieren gehen. Aber: Trotz aller Kinderliebe haben es die Finnen geschafft, die Inselwege stellenweise so grob zu pflastern, dass der Ausflug mit einem Buggy schnell zu einer Qual wird. DafĂŒr gibts gleich einen Stern.
Sampsa Suhonen: Visited on Weekend Reservation recommended NoMore
Sven Naumann: Visited on WeekdayMore
Han viet kien: It's such a fantasic place
Darius NaudĆŸiĆ«nas: TurbĆ«t ÄŻspĆ«dingiausia turistinė Helsinkio vieta
iroe gomez: Chulo pero si vas por libre no entiendes nada es solo ver y ya estĂĄ. RecomendarĂ­a una guĂ­a o algo.
Waltteri: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Tapio Matikainen: Kiva paikka lĂ€mpimĂ€llĂ€ kesĂ€pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ 🙂
Ritva Lukkala: Visited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended YesMore
MirekGniezno1: Polecam w czasie pobytu w Helsinkach.

2. Strömberg Park - LÀntinen suurpiiri



· 400 reviews

Strömbergintie, 00380 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website

3. Vanhankaupunginkoski - Viikinranta

· 1964 reviews

Katariina Saksilaisen katu 9, 00560 Helsinki, Finland

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Vanhankaupunginkoski: what do users think?
Abdulrahman Zidan: Amazing landscapes
Asif Sultan Razu: Good place for outing and fishing! 👌
Belle Chen: Mesmerized not only by the landscape and nature but also by cheerful chirping surrounding us.
Alla Savina: Great place to walk, but there is a problem with the toilets
jari rajala: Hienot maisemat
Krippe S: Hieno paikka. Rentouttava paikka istua kesÀiltaa
Marina DF Dufvelin-Harju: Kiva luonto paikka.
Marjo Pekkinen: Kaunis paikka
J Santasalo: Kaunis paikka, jossa mukava kÀvellÀ ja viettÀÀ aikaa. VieressÀ Lammassaari pitkospuineen, joka klassikko.
Marko Rantala: Perhepicnik hoituu helposti, ei örvelyÀjiÀ
Mirkka Salo: Upea sijainti. Ihana luonto ja hyvÀ ravintola.
Jani Varis: Mukava paikka matokalastaaa
Caius Bruun: Oikein mukava miljöö valokuvaamiseen sellaisenaan tai mallin kanssa. Toki myös hengailuun ja muuhun kesÀn - ja ajanviettoon.
Antti Harjanne: Mukava onkia rannalla ja kuunnella kosken pauhua. Siisti ympÀristÀ. Löytyy ravintola jne. Sopii kaikille. Ainut miinus on kun parkkipaikat ovat kiven alla (alhaalla ollut hiekkaalue ei ole enÀÀn kÀytettÀvissÀ).
Ne nado Ля-Ля: Great place!
Harri Lempinen: Kaunis paikka.
Rane Parkkari: KevÀÀllÀ hylkeetkin kÀy tÀÀllÀ
Kari Markkola: Upea koski. Kaunis maisema. HyvÀ picnic kohde. Kannattaa kÀydÀ katsomassa.
M J: Nice place for walk.
Pertti Vainio: Koski + Viikin lammassaari kokemisen arvoisia. Tekniikan museossa kuin voi piipahtaa.

4. Sibelius Park - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 4424 reviews

Mechelininkatu 39, 00250 Helsinki, Finland

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Sibelius Park: what do users think?
Riikka HeinÀnen FIN: ViihtyisÀ puisto jossa Sibelius monumenttia pÀÀsee ihailemaan
Lillian Pearsall: Small park. Well kept. Interesting sculpture
Ritva Kyllönen: Liian kuiva
Dieter RĂŒger: Interessant
MirekGniezno1: Ciekawy pomnik. Nieciekawy park
Mia HautajÀrvi: Ehdottomasti nÀkemisen arvoinen nÀhtÀvyys, puisto ja monumentti on kaunis.
Miguel Klagges: Da para estar un rato. Creo que el parque tiene mĂĄs atractivo que el monumento en sĂ­ mismo.
Jacek Kowalczuk: Polecam
Monsero: Parque bonito, aunque esperaba mĂĄs de Ă©l
Eduardo Roveroni: Muito bonito
Drew P.: Beautiful place.
Nadica Jozipovic: SavrĆĄen spomenik. Skladatelju Jeanu Sibeliusu u istoimenom parku.
鄭湁: 看侍ć‡șć‰”æ„é»ž
홍성낚: ㅡ
Raimo Lehtinen: Hiano....
Mari Grönlund: Hieno puistossa on suuri monumentti ja sÀveltÀjÀn reliefi.
Jaime M.: Great tourist place to visit
Jon RodrĂ­guez Miguel: Bonito parque donde descansar y tomar el sol, contemplar las esculturas metĂĄlicas, precioso
Tepu59: Mukavan rauhallinen puisto Helsingin keskustassa, koirien kanssa ihana kĂ€vellĂ€ ja nautiskella. Yleinen ja hieno nĂ€htĂ€vyys. Meri vieressĂ€ ja voit nauttia ihanasta maisemataulusta đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź.
Uwe Köchling: Kann mann sich anschauen ,aber kein Muss! Lecker eisladen in der nĂ€he. Ein Kugel Eis 4.50€.Toilette auch vor ort

5. Central Park - Maunulanpuisto

· 992 reviews

00630 Helsinki, Finland

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6. Kaivopuisto - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 5417 reviews

00140 Helsinki, Finland

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7. Helsinki Cathedral - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 8469 reviews

Unioninkatu 29, 00170 Helsinki, Finland

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Helsinki Cathedral: what do users think?
T C: Both the interior and exterior of the church are truly awesome. Situated atop a hill in the city centre, the location lends a remarkable look to the church.The church forms a significant part of Helsinki's Empire-era centre and serves as a prominent landmark for those arriving by sea. It symbolizes the entire city of Helsinki. Previously known as St. Nicholas Church and Great Cathedral, this magnificent church, which now serves as the main church of the Helsinki Diocese, was finished in 1852. Adorning the roof of the church, sculptures of the twelve apostles stand as guardians of the city.
Jana KriĆĄtanovĂĄ: Very monumental, the place looks the best from outside and is worth of a picture or two, mostly the symmetrical one.Inside, you can spend few minutes looking around, but unless you want to contemplate spiritually at the place, it's not worth of staying longer.What I had mixed feeling about is voluntary entrance fee at the place. There are two kiosks inside for that and I saw that at the moment when people entered the church, a security guy working at the place approached them, asking if he can help with the kiosks. I felt a bit pressured to pay the entrance fee. I did because I wanted to support the building's maintenance. But then I stayed for few minutes only, looking around and then leaving. So from this perspective, it didn't pay out.
Amboy 2 Chamblis: Shame on Finland for turning it's back on Africa for not supporting Ukrainian war! It's not there business to be involved. Hypocrite country of finland.
MaƂgorzata Kuƛ: Robi wraĆŒenie swoją prostotą i pięknem,aĆŒ nie chce się wychodzić z tego miejsca
Jfpeinado: Påramo desgracia, no pude entrar porque estaba de viaje.Es bastante impresionante tanto por tamaño como por su blancura, un día de sol radiante tiene que ser increíble.
Hartmut Bohn: Beautiful churchVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait 
Han viet kien: Nice church
fulvio abondio: The external is wonderful. But the internal is something specialVisited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended No 
Hannu Toivanen: Helsinki Cathedral is, I think, one of main attractions in Helsinki. And for reason - Helsinki Cathedral is a magnificent building. With its robust appearance it entices full buses of tourists, and why not Finnish tourists, too, to admire its shiny white walls and green domes. The inside of the cathedral isn't any dissappointment, either, so in my opinion, the church is absolutely worth of visit.
Yoshiaki Ito: You should definitely visit this cathedral. It is an incredibly stunning building and holds great significance as one of the most important architectural landmarks in Helsinki. Free to enter.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No 
H4vu 4ij4l4: yliarvostettu. liian valkoinen. epÀinspiroiva. jumaleissön mikÀ maja. yksi tÀhti lisÀÀ vain siitÀ, ettÀ edes pientÀ koristeellisuutta sisÀllÀ ja kai se on ulkoa ihan ok.
mathieu massol: Magnifique de l'extérieur, pas grand chose à l'intérieur à part un trÚs bel orgue.
Elsa Perez: Wait time No waitMore
Sami: Iso kirkkoVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No 
Ɓukasz Chamela: Super katedra, moĆŒna się trochę wyciszyć 🙂 jak się dobrze trafi moĆŒna posƂuchać jak grają organy 👍
Leszek Grabowski: Wielka lecz biedna w ƛrodku
Dalu Guo: Very nice place, I recommend.Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No 

8. Temppeliaukion Church - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 8238 reviews

Lutherinkatu 3, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

9. Sibelius Monument - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 4914 reviews

Sibeliuksen puisto, Mechelininkatu, 00250 Helsinki, Finland

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10. Market Square - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 17474 reviews

EtelÀranta, 00170 Helsinki, Finland

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11. TÀhtitorninvuoren puisto - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 1400 reviews

00130 Helsinki, Finland

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12. Havis Amanda - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 741 reviews

Kauppatori, 00130 Helsinki, Finland

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13. The National Museum of Finland - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 4391 reviews

Mannerheimintie 34, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

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