Best Otoplasty Clinics Helsinki Near Me

City Clinic Plastic Surgery Center Helsinki Oy Clinic Estetic

1. City Clinic - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 64 reviews

Aleksanterinkatu 21, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
City Clinic: what do users think?
Laura Suomela: Expert service! As soon as I made an appointment, I felt welcome. Very friendly, expert nurses and attendants on site. The trace of the treatment is also great. I highly recommend!
Erol: Writing this review solely because I had the worst custom service experience of my life from a lady called Helena.I've called during 2 different months to book an appointment and both times I was talked down to with an offensive tone and refused the right to book appointments.I've never had any issues with other custom supports but they have a psycho working there.Her attitude shows how little customers matter to this company.Avoid at all costThe other employees I've met are nice,The problem is the customer service
Marja JÀrvelÀ: I had botox treatment. 3 areas paid. 2 visits and still not a good result. Botox is expensive, save it. Offers scam.
Suvi Tikkanen: Pleasant customer service! Special thanks to Nikita: Calm, competent and experienced multi-talent, whose handprint is skillful & careful! I definitely recommend❀
heidi kerÀnen: Thanks to Jarko for the skilled skin booster treatment, it almost didn't hurt at all
Mia N: I went there 2 times, it was a really nice place and friendly staff :). I had a laser tattoo removal today and the treatment went well and the nurse was professional, I recommend it. Of course, the results of the treatment are not yet visible the first time, but I will definitely make another appointment there :)
Riitta Savolainen: Excellent, friendly service. Special thanks to Jarko!
Jenni KyttĂ€lĂ€: I went to Helena today for an injection treatment and I couldn't be happier with the end result 😍
M K: Bad customer service, I'd rather go elsewhere in the future!
Ava Imogen Grayson: I can't speak for the procedures, but after multiple slow emails and having to repeatedly ask to even book a consultation, the reply I got was unprofessional and uncommunicative. I'll take my business elsewhere.
Anu: I went to the doctor for an injection treatment. I am very satisfied. The woman at the customer service point could be friendlier.
Jenni Muurinen: Extremely satisfied with the end result. Special mention to Jarko. Professional, competent, friendly and relaxed. The procedure was quick and painless. Big thanks!In Helsinki, the wonderful setting, great location and continuous offers will definitely entice you to visit again.
Tuula Ahvenainen: I had a filler treatment in Helsinki. Mika is an iron professional. Knowledgable, confident and calm. Can't help but recommend
Seena Sinervo: The assessment does not concern the procedure, only the consultation.The reserved consultation time was 20 minutes late, but after I asked about it, they came to pick me up.The time itself lasted 3-4 minutes.The male doctor (edit: apparently the owner) seemed to exaggerate the problem and recommended surgery by a plastic surgeon, even though I specifically wanted alternatives to surgery. But he immediately identified the situation, took the pictures and it was over.A couple of days earlier, I had already been to a plastic surgeon's consultation elsewhere, where the experience was completely different; competent and pleasant visit, and the problem was not considered bad at all, although it was understood that it bothered me.Here, again, I didn't manage to get any information or info that I was looking for. Based on the treatment photos found on the website, there was no way to guess that the desired procedure would not be successful, which of course was surprising, as was the level of the consultation.Based on this experience, I will not book the procedure myself or recommend the place in question to my friends and acquaintances. I'm certainly ready for surgery, but I'd rather be in a place with more expert and high-quality operations.Edit: I received a plan from the plastic surgeon via e-mail, in which this eyelid surgery was offered at a much higher price than the amount indicated in the price list. In addition, a very important anesthesia was recommended, because the skin around the eyes is sensitive.One star, however, for the fact that there is a place at the indicated address and someone from the back room came to take it, even though there wasn't really any consultation to talk about. Respa was really nice.
Sirpa Koivuoja: Warm and knowledgeable customer service😊.
Amina Egamberdieva: So this is not a review about the procedure, but about the customer service.I went to the consultation and was told to wait until I get an email from the nurse, because she had to contact the doctor. I didn’t get anything the whole week so I called them, and was told that they left a message to the nurse and to wait again.I waited another whole week. I called them again and got the same reply; to wait. Or, that I could email the doctor myself. But I’m not sure about what to do with the information I get from the doctor? I am still supposed to be in contact with a nurse... I feel like I am my own customer service agent.I understand that the people at the reception are doing their best (and are very nice), but I can’t help but feel unimportant and feel like they don’t care about me.The procedures are probably good, but the customer service wasn’t and I am not sure if I want to go there anymore or recommend this place to anyone.
Ismo Poutiainen: In the spring of 2019, I had both coolsculpting and 3d hifu treatments, both of which I was and am very satisfied with. Mika was pleasant and professional, and kept telling me what was being done. Both device treatments were pleasant and quick, and I was and still am very satisfied with the results. The Coolsculpting treatment was effective for the treatment of local fat accumulation in the lower abdomen, which was treated with exercise rather than diet. Hifu hlito was effective and gave really visible results for firming and tightening the skin in the face area, without any poisons or needles. Mene will definitely spawn again in a few years. The facilities were clean and the staff was friendly.
Jarkko: Very good.
Jan Poehlke: Very satisfied with results for a minor operation that was done over a year ago. It takes time to heal if you have any kind of surgery procedure so you see the results only months after. I am very very happy and this makes me very confident for years ahead.
Raija Leskinen: I took my friend to the city clinic for a face lift. Everything was 100% successful. The aftercare was meticulous and of high quality. 10/10
Renata Heimberg: Reliable. Friendly and professional staff. Good service. Realistic ❀

2. Plastic Surgery Center Helsinki Oy - EtelÀinen suurpiiri



· 20 reviews

Aleksanterinkatu 15 A, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Plastic Surgery Center Helsinki Oy: what do users think?
Evgenia Tokoi-Abrosimova: Olen sÀÀnnöllisesti tekemÀssÀ jotakin toimenpiteitÀ tÀssÀ paikassa. Alina Bregman on aivan ihana! Kiitos!
Eija: Kirurgi oli taitava ja mukava mutta itse en ihan ole tyytyvÀinen tulokseen, ikÀ varmaan tekee sen ettÀ leikkaus ei ihan ollut stÀ mitÀ kuvittelin.
Alma Handan: Todella hyvÀ palvelu, kaikki ovat mukavia ja ystÀvÀllisiÀ, kirurgi on maestro, tekee kaikkensa asiakkaan tyytyvÀisyyden varten, suositellaan kaikille jotka haluavat tehdÀ jotain toimenpiteitÀ.:⁠-⁠)
Mirela Stan: Clear communication of the procedure while doing it. Went well and clear instructions afterwards. Excited to see the end result.
Riitta Latva: Vatsan rasvaimu tehty kahdesti, toinen korjaava imu veloituksetta jo vuosia sitten. Tulos ei kovin hyvÀ. Reisien sisÀpinnan rasvaimu: ihoon jÀi ikÀvÀ kyllÀ vÀrimuutos ja kuoppainen pinta. Palvelu sen sijaan ollut aina ystÀvÀllistÀ.
Kati Fagerström: LÀÀkÀri oikein miellyttÀvÀ ja asiantunteva.Henkilökunta rentoa. KÀynnistÀ jÀi mukava tunne, ettÀ vÀlitetÀÀn aidosti. Toimenpide onnistui ja tulokset ovat juuri sitÀ mitÀ olin hakemassa. Olen oikein tyytyvÀinen. Voin suositella tÀtÀ paikkaa.
Juuso Ahtonen: Mahtava henkilökunta!
cici nm: Huippu palvelu.ErittÀin tyytyvÀinen asiakas.
Kim Poulsen: Hieno ja positiivinen henkilökunta hyvÀllÀ palveluasenteella varustettuna
Miia Isosaari: Kiitos paljon! Ihan mahtava ja yksilön tarpeet huomioiva palvelu. Iloinen, ystÀvÀllinen ja ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta.
Marja: Loistava palvelu. Ihana henkilökunta.
Anne Raasakka: Luotettavaa, asiantuntevaa, yksilöllistÀ ja ystÀvÀllistÀ palvelua.
Romy Alexandra: super unprofessional
Nenna: Super taitavat laittajat ja aina saa lĂ€hteĂ€ tyytyvĂ€isenĂ€đŸ™
T Tommila: Suosittelen vÀlttÀmÀÀn tÀtÀ paikkaa. Komplikaatiot joutuu hoidattamaan julkisessa terveydenhoidossa, ja korjaavat toimenpiteet teettÀmÀÀn muualla.
Mira MansikkamÀki: Sain pintaverisuonten kÀsittelystÀ arvet alahuulen alle. Pari pÀivÀÀ kÀynnin jÀlkeen, hoidetut kohdat alkoivat mÀtimÀÀn ja nyt arpikuopat nÀkyvÀt meikinkin lÀpi. Valitin ja Plastic Surgery Center tarjosi korjaavaa laserkÀsittelyÀ, jolla kuoppien reunat olisi saatu loivemmiksi. En uskaltanut enÀÀ mennÀ laserkÀsittelyyn ja ehdotin ettÀ kustantaisivat minulle mikroneulaushoidon. Hoitajan mukaan mikroneulaus voisi pahentaa tilannetta. IhotautilÀÀkÀri kuitenkin suositteli tÀtÀ hoitoa minulle. Lopputulema oli se, ettÀ Plastic Surgery Center kieltÀytyi korvaamasta hoitoa: "Emme hyvitÀ mahdollista tyytymÀttömyyttÀ hoitoon rahallisesti. MikÀli ko. asiaan on oikeat perusteet, teemme korjaavan toimenpiteen klinikallamme." Minulle oli tarjottu laserhoitoja ja se siitÀ sitten. Suosittelisin vÀlttÀmÀÀn tÀtÀ paikkaa.
PĂ€ivi Harjula: Kiitos Laura👌
Ella: Arvio arven/hyperpigmentaation paranemisesta osoittautui epÀpÀtevÀksi. EpÀystÀvÀllinen ja joustamaton asiakaspalvelu peruutustapauksessa. Kokemuksesta jÀi rahastuksen maksu, en suosittele!
Hannele Torkkeli: Varasin ajan s-postilla kiinnostukseni Corner Lift-Toimenpiteeseen eli suun pelien nostoon. Minulle kerrottiin ettĂ€ sitĂ€ toimenpidettĂ€ heillĂ€ ei tehdĂ€.Sitten tarjotaan toimenpidettĂ€ buffaloplastia, joka ei edes tee kyseistĂ€ toimenpidettĂ€. Ja konsultaatiossa kerrotaan ettei se nosta suunpueliĂ€ kuten corner lift.MyydÀÀn toimenpiteitĂ€, jotka ei tee sitĂ€ toimenpidettĂ€, mitĂ€ asiakas haluaa.Ettei kannata varata maksullista konsultaatiota.Jos haluatte nostaa suunpueliĂ€ ylöspĂ€in, ei kannata varata 140€:n maksullista konsultaatiota.
Ania Kieniewicz: I wanted to have removed varicose veins under my knee. The lady - don't remember the name, has burned my skin so much that I still have scars ... from veins to scars...after quite some years now. And that won't disappear. Not to be recommended.
Rilla Kukkola: Ammattitaitoista, osaavaa ja ystÀvÀllistÀ henkilökuntaa. Ihan kaikki pelasi, konsultaatiosta operaatioon ja sen jÀlkeen.

3. Clinic Estetic - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 75 reviews

Aleksanterinkatu 15 B 2 kerros, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

4. LÀÀkÀriklinikka - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 0 reviews

Aleksanterinkatu 15 B 7 KRS, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

LÀÀkÀriklinikka: what do users think?
Angela Solanki: HyvÀ palvelu, hyvÀt hinnat, mukava henkilökunta, siistit työtilat! :)

5. Anna Höckerstedt - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

Museokatu 44, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website

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