Rotisserie Restaurants In Helsinki Near Me

Lappi Ravintola Ravintola Muru Restaurant Baskeri & Basso Ravintola Ragu Ravintola Aino Savor

1. Lappi Ravintola - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 1241 reviews

Annankatu 22, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Lappi Ravintola: what do users think?

Abián Muñoz: We had dinner yesterday to try typical food and I loved the place, the food, the staff and the atmosphere. Recommended 100%.

Carlos Larumbe: Nice Finnish Restaurant, with good local food and at a good price. Recommendable.

Penny Sanz: Dietary restrictions: Gluten freeKid-friendliness: Ideal para ir en familiaWheelchair accessibility: Hay espacio suficiente para acomodar sillas de ruedas

Yannick Vericel: Really another great experience in this essential restaurant. It's not the most affordable restaurant but it remains a must. I love shared dishes with Lappish specialties. The atmosphere is friendly and the staff is very attentive to customers. A warm atmosphere that would make us forget that we are in the capital and waitresses in “traditional” outfits. To do again without hesitation. 2020, 2024… and probably see you in 2025.

2. Ravintola Muru - Eteläinen suurpiiri



· 618 reviews

Fredrikinkatu 41, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

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Ravintola Muru: what do users think?

Frederik Teicher Kirk: Meillä oli kiinteä menu, jossa oli viinejä. Yleensä ruoka oli erittäin hyvää, ja erityisesti kala oli erottuva täydellisen kokin kanssa.Aterian aloittanut keitto oli liian vaimeaa meidän makuun ilman paljon syvempää monimutkaisuutta. Ei ollenkaan huono, ei vain jännittävä.Kaiken kaikkiaan meiltä puuttui yhteinen säie astioista. Keitto oli espanjalaista, kalaruoka olisi voinut olla mistä tahansa, juustot olivat ranskalaisia ​​ja brittiläisiä.Siitä huolimatta suosittelen syömistä täällä, nautimme illasta erinomaisella palvelulla ja erinomaisella paikalla!

M. B.: Ehdottomasti suositeltavaa. Pieni ravintola, jossa on hienoa ruokaa ja erittäin hyvä palvelu. Jotain erityistä.Erityisruokavaliot: Sopii myös kasvissyöjille ja allergikoille.

Sybille Geisler: and the furniture is showing its age - but perhaps that's part of the charm for some diners? In any case, the restaurant was well attended and the diners all seemed were we :-

3. Restaurant Baskeri & Basso - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 514 reviews

Tehtaankatu 27-29 (sisäpiha), 00150 Helsinki, Finland

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Restaurant Baskeri & Basso: what do users think?

Kitchen Insider: Elevated from the sister bistro around the corner, most of the dishes here are very well constructed and completed. I can't include the risotto and pasta, which I didn't feel lifted to the required level. The rice in the risotto didn't seem to be carnaroli, and it showed. No starch bleed into the sauce. It really makes a difference. Similarly, the excellent homegrown pasta is cooked separately to the sauce. You may do this at home. If you use real deal pasta, often with a flour dust coat, try cooking it like risotto, slowly adding the water as it cooks. You'll achieve a lightweight liquor that will elevate your sauce, leaving it shiny and gloriously thickened. Leaving it separated as they seemed to have just made it another bowl of pasta, albeit quite good. The other items fared better, including a really excellent clafoutis, octopus, and whitefish cervice. Service was excellent, though again, I'd love some premium wine options by the glass. All in all, I was pleasantly surprised.Vegetarian options: Enough to enjoy

Nihal Etula: Although I am visiting Finland regularly since 1998, this is my first time in this restaurant. Seems like it was a big mistake.Food is delicious and quite creative. Service is so professional and friendly at the same time.Salman sashimi is a must as most of the menu

Ryoko Jyuri: Went here a few weeks ago - amazing all around! Food was seasoned perfectly. And i like that some dishes leaned more fresh acidic & others more rich umami. Highlights for me was the pasta dish, the caesar salad, and the paris brest dessert. I really wanted to like the tartar more but it could’ve been served colder with some crunchier element beyond the pickled daikon. Nonetheless, all were still tasty and the wines recommended are decent and good. Service was very nice and friendly too!

Miika Utoslahti: Service: 5/5

4. Ravintola Ragu - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 607 reviews

Ludviginkatu 3-5, 00130 Helsinki, Finland

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Ravintola Ragu: what do users think?

Johanna Ursin: The 5-course menu was amazing, from the breads and toppings offered to start, to the dessert. The service was uncomplicated and appropriately prompt, and the music of the comfortable, appropriately modern place was just the right volume. If you want to eat a little better in a restaurant whose owners have enough ambition, we recommend Ragu.

Nathalie Virtanen: were great, especially the Riesling.The atmosphere felt intimate and cozy and I really liked the art pieces on the walls as well!Service was personal and we felt really tended to, thank you very much!Dietary restrictions: Pregnancy or vegan diet is consideredParking: We took street parking, 4h

Sergey Kasyanov: Nice atmosphere and tasty dishes. Took 5 course surprise menu and was satisfied. Portions not very big but five courses were enough for me to be full at the end. Be prepared to spend couple hours there. I enjoyed new experience of visiting high cuisine restaurantVegetarian options: AvailableDietary restrictions: If choosing surprise menu, you will be asked about your preferences and food allergies

5. Ravintola Skörd - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 50 reviews

Fredrikinkatu 37, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

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Ravintola Skörd: what do users think?

Kitchen Insider: . Kaikki kurssit on koottu huolella. Kaikki ruoat eivät saavuta eteeristä teknistä tasoa, mutta ne ovat kaikki tehty vankan käsityön ja hyvien makuyhdistelmien avulla. Berry-viinit ja paikalliset juomat menestyvät varsin hyvin, varsinkin kun niitä yhdistetään. Palvelu on niin ystävällistä, että ihmettelet, oletteko tavanneet ennen jossain. Varoita, jos 150 minuutin kova istuminen on sinulle ongelma. Tuo tyyny. Minut vietiin takaisin vankilaan kouluun...ja se oli keskiaikaista. Mutta se on hieno pieni kokemus siitä, mitä Suomessa tapahtuu, kun välittää siitä, mitä syö. Odota, että käytät 90-150 € per henkilö juomistasi riippuen.Kasvisvaihtoehdot: Ei oikeastaan

Chris Betts: Söimme täällä viime yönä Helsingissä. Se oli sopiva ja erittäin maukas tapa lopettaa aikamme siellä. Erinomainen ruoka, kaikki valmistettu paikallisista tuotteista, ja erittäin vieraanvarainen isäntä, joka selittää jokaisen kurssin matkan varrella. En ole henkilökohtaisesti marjaviinien ystävä, mutta se oli kokeilemisen arvoinen. Suosittelen Helsingissä vieraileville ihmisille, jotka eivät ole maistaneet paikallista ruokaa ja haluavat jotain hieman mielenkiintoista.

Trang Nguyen: Helposti paras ateria, jonka olen syönyt Suomessa. Tämä on toinen kerta, kun tulimme ja meillä oli aivan uskomaton aika. Paikka on pieni, mutta ruoka on ehdottomasti Michelin-laatuista. Jokainen ruokalaji oli aivan täydellinen. Meillä oli 8 ruokalajin ja saimme 2 ilmaista ruokaa ravintolasta, jopa ilmaiset ruoat olivat hyvin mieleenpainuvia. Suosikkini olivat kasvisruoat, niin paljon makua ja monimutkaisuutta. Rakastan sitä, kuinka tarjoilija selitti ruoan alkuperän ja kestävän lähestymistavan ainesosien hankintaan.Suosittelen tätä paikkaa kaikille, jotka haluavat syödä skandinaavista ruokaa!

6. Ravintola Aino - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 764 reviews

Mannerheimintie 56, 00260 Helsinki, Finland

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Ravintola Aino: what do users think?

Kristina Calmet: Mega. Starting with a starter, which was converted into the main course without any problems upon request, to the waiter, who explained so much to us about the food on the menu and Finnish cuisine, to the waitress, who ran off to see what was there Music played in the background and explained a lot to us about the Aino namesakes, simply beautiful. Everything was right, the food, the ambience, the people who worked there and created works of art. It touched us very much and we will remember it with gratitude. In the photo, sea buckthorn ice cream with licorice - chocolate cake.

Filip Soszyński: My company booked the entire restaurant for a official dinner. The place fits comfortably around 40ish people, and has big windows with a view towards the Finnish Opera house. The interior is tasteful and quite open, very ambient and relaxed and modernly designed. The staff is extremely friendly and goes beyond expectations when welcoming guests and explaining the dishes. We had a 3 course meal consisting of all local farm to table dishes from Finland. Mushroom cream soup - delicious, light and stomach warming. Followed by a stunning Arctic char on a bed of roasted potatoes, the fish was so moist and was melting in the mouth - amazing work by the chefs! And finally Finnish pana cotta.Overall amazing experience - highly recommended!!

Tuula Riihelä: Great place to eat! The service is friendly and smooth. The food is menu Aino, chanterelle soup, sea bream and dessert. Every dish surprised beyond expectations, they were really good and the flavors were just right.

Auke Meijer: Very nice restaurant. Staff is very friendly and outmost helpful. We have a long list of allergies but we could almost take everything from the menu. The food was amazing and the proposed wine was excellent.Dietary restrictions: Gluten free, lactose free, no garlic and nothing from the Sea.

Linus Wileryd: Fantastic food, friendly and knowledgeable staff.

Kemo Avdagic: First of all, a big greeting for the workers in the restaurant, their kindness and hospitality is maximum.As for the ambiance itself, all praise, simply a rest for the soul and body with the food you get.My personal experience is phenomenal, I recommend you to visit this phenomenal place because I will definitely come again.

7. Savor - Vallila

· 395 reviews

Elimäenkatu 25, 00510 Helsinki, Finland

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Savor: what do users think?

maxin john: Good

Quentin Covi: Very decent lunch buffet, quite a lot of choice for a very reasonable price.

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