Hengellisyyden Kurssit Helsinki Lähellä Sinua

Helsingin seudun kesäyliopisto Helsingin työväenopisto Kalliolan kansalaisopisto Helsingin yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulu The Finnish Adult Education Centre – Silkkikutomo Helsingin Paperipaja

1. Hiljaisuuden Ystävät Ry - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 0 arvostelut

Bulevardi 16 B, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi

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2. Helsingin seudun kesäyliopisto - Vilhonvuori



· 1 arvostelut

Vilhonvuorenkatu 12, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

3. Helsingin työväenopisto - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 24 arvostelut

Helsinginkatu 26, 00101 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Helsingin työväenopisto: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Anna-Liisa Ritvanen: A house full of good education

M Rissanen: Beautiful building inside and out. Inside, great art around the house.Cafe.

Alo Hanna: Work is something wonderful and suitable for everyone. There are several offices throughout the capital region and the course selection is diverse.

Harri Ahola: A useful and affordable place to study all kinds of things.

Tuula Ollila: Moderately good teaching. I mean, sometimes you get a good teacher and sometimes you get a bad one. All in all, a good and affordable place to study. Clean classes.

Omar Muayed: We study Finnish here a few times and the place is nice and clean, as well as good teachers!

Hannu Pohjanpalo: Lots of different offerings. At home, the defense is at a very good level.

Sirkka-Liisa Tuomi: Advice and teaching, from which we get support, we keep it in our minds all our lives

Johanna Rahkila: Good place

Aarno Koivula: The manager and staff of the Norwegian University of Technology are friendly and knowledgeable.

4. Kalliolan kansalaisopisto - Alppila

· 2 arvostelut

Sturenkatu 11, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

5. IK-opisto - Roihupellon teollisuusalue

Pulttitie 13, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website
· 33 arvostelut

Kevätkatu 2, 00790 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Helsingin yliopiston Viikin normaalikoulu: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Tommi: I don't know what this "Russian Blue" is talking about. I've been at this school since elementary school and I've never been the target of serious bullying, and I've never seen serious bullying. I have had serious conflicts at this school and the teachers handled it smoothly to end it.The teachers are great and have helped me get through high school smoothly. The students are also good, although sometimes there is too much fuss, the students are kind and have a good sense of humor.

emi: good teachers and teaching

MrPex81: High-quality facilities and good teaching

sara: 6/5

7. The Finnish Adult Education Centre – Silkkikutomo - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue

· 9 arvostelut

A,, Laivalahdenkatu 2, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

8. Helsingin Paperipaja - Roihupellon teollisuusalue

· 1 arvostelut

Levytie 2-4, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi


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