Liike sisään Lääketieteellinen laboratorio:
1. HUS Kalasataman laboratorio - Kalasatama
· 10 arvostelut
Työpajankatu 14 A, 00580 Helsinki, Suomi
2. HUS Haagan laboratorio - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 0 arvostelut
Huovitie 5, 00400 Helsinki, Suomi
3. HUSLAB Maunulan laboratorio - Maunula
· 3 arvostelut
Suursuonlaita 3 A, 00630 Helsinki, Suomi
4. HUSLAB Kamppi - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 41 arvostelut
Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 10A, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
ann no: Thank you lovely Jasmin❤️ Mia ❤️ and Anita❤️ today 3.6 for the great empathetic service!
marita hanninen: Skilled blood test takers, friendly staff.
Ante Haltta: I had an appointment, the time was right and the service was friendly and calm.
Tuomo Kuusisto: Smooth lab, blood samples + EKG. NOTE: on weekday mornings you can only get in at 7:00 a.m., no longer at 6:45 a.m. The elevator buttons start obeying after 7:00.
Christian Mortal: Fast efficient medical diagnostic services
Markku Tuomola: With an appointment, exactly at the agreed time.Without an appointment, a wait of up to 2 hours
Nonna Nani: Excellent location and customer service 😊
Kaunis koira: Always a good attention from the nurses
KariGrandi Official: Dear customer service
Adnan Mahmood: I booked time before went but I was called around 15 mins late. Other than that service was good. The nurse was really friendly.
Sirkka Roponen: Friendly staff. Queues vary. Usually pretty fast service.
Pasi Susipuro: Friendly staff even under pressure. Usually quick visit.
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Lääketieteellinen laboratorio:
5. HUSLAB Myllypuron laboratorio - Myllypuro
· 20 arvostelut
Jauhokuja 4 A, 00920 Helsinki, Suomi
Anne Törmänen: Absolutely amazing sampler at the lab.😍
rauni salkosalmi: It works when you have an appointment.
Bakhtar Rokha: Yesterday I did business at the lab, the best service, excellent staff
Raili Lind-Sinkkonen: Fast and friendly service.
Timo Kääriä: A well-functioning health center, as long as you remember to make an appointment for a visit.
Ilpo Kantonen: Near the metro station.
Esa Karvinen: Things are handled there as they should be and there are no unnecessary delays. Nowadays, if I need to have blood tests, I always go there because it is a good laboratory.
Esa. K Karvinen: I've been there several times for laboratory tests and it's always gone really well and I haven't had to queue for a long time when I've had a pre-booked appointment.
Suvi Laakso: A very good place!
jack repo: Always good service and really knowledgeable staff
Tommi Pöntinen: Sampling without an appointment is faster than with a bee appointment.
Reidar Studi: Ok
Johanna Virtanen: The reserved time was always on time!
Mona: Absolutely excellent service, wonderful employees. They knew how to calm a patient with fear and I gained understanding. The blood test went really well, even though it was often challenging for me. On a Wednesday morning, there were at least few people and plenty of seats. I even got in before my scheduled time and was already outside when my appointment time came.
6. HUSLAB Pihlajamäen laboratorio - Pihlajamäki
· 31 arvostelut
Meripihkatie 8, 00710 Helsinki, Suomi
juha korhonen: Good service, really qualified and proper doctor😜😛
Saila: The doctor is really nice and efficient. No waiting with an appointment.
Marek Rahnel: Really good doctors and fast
Marina Serebrennikova: Kivaa paikkaa, parempi kuin Malmin terveasema.
Marianne: Mikrobivaurioinen talo?
mervi sainio: Asiat hoituu, henkilökunta ystävällistä ja ammattitaitoista. Muista varata aika!
päivi siltavuori: Nopeasti pääsi vastaanotolle ja sai jatkolähetteen. Ystävällinen hlökunta, vaikka heillä hurjasti töitä ja painetta joka suuntaan. Kiitos heille jaksamisesta kovassa ja kuormittavasta työssä.
Eija Vaahteravuori: Osaava henkilökunta
Laura Relander: Ystävällinen asiansa osaava palvelu, kiitos!
7. HUSLAB Töölön sairaalan laboratorio - Eteläinen suurpiiri
Topeliuksenkatu 5, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
8. HUSLAB Tullinpuomin laboratorio - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 54 arvostelut
Topeliuksenkatu 32, 00290 Helsinki, Suomi
Matti Hakala: Ammattilaisten paikka
Ann Turman: Nopea ja tehokas palvelu, sisäänkäynti kadun toisella puolella Scandic hotellista / Urheiluhallit Töölön talosta.
Pirjo Rusila-Lesage: Olipas nopeaa toimintaa! Moderni, siisti, valoisa, katto korkealla. Ystävälliset hoitajat, kivuttomat neulat. Lounasravintola kätevästi vieressä.
Kari: Nopea ja ystävällinen palvelu. Kaikki toimii erittäin hyvin.
Tyrarytkyy10: Helppo mennä. Vastapäätä löytyy maksullinen p paikka. Invatkin maksaa koska yksityinen.
Re Koskinen: Nice and clean. The schedule was right. Professional staff.
Päivi T Korpelainen: Booking an appointment via the internet works well. This avoids unnecessary queuing.
toni alhola: Absolutely top services and amenities and place and location
Rolf Salenius: Works like a train toilet. Good and knowledgeable staff.
Elina Kalinainen: A fast lab where the reserved time is always correct. You don't have to wait for nothing.
Arja Lappalainen: Competent and friendly staff
Heikki Vartiainen: Works great.
MY LIFE IN FINLAND: Nice laboratory, staff very polite and professional. I recommend.